Weight Loss Maintenance Plans

At Oushk Pharmacy, we recognise that the journey to maintain your weight loss is just as important as the initial weight loss itself. To support you every step of the way, we’ve developed three comprehensive plans, each designed to meet your specific needs as you continue to work toward your health goals. Whether you want to maintain your current medication dosage, gradually reduce it, or transition to lifestyle changes, our plans offer the support and flexibility you need.

All of our maintenance plans are structured as 3-month subscriptions, enabling our prescribers to closely monitor your progress and provide personalised support. To make these plans sustainable and affordable for the long term, we are offering a 15% discount off our regular prices. Patients have the flexibility to switch between plans every 3 months, ensuring that your treatment continues to meet your evolving needs. The Flex Plan offers even greater flexibility, allowing you to initiate treatment at any point during your subscription

1. Continuation Plan: Stay on Track with Your Current Dosage
The Continuation Package is perfect for patients who have found their ideal dosage and wish to maintain their weight loss by continuing with the same dose. This package ensures that you continue receiving your prescribed medication, providing consistent support to sustain your achievements.

What’s Included:


Who Should Choose This Package?

This package is ideal for patients who have found their optimal dosage and want to continue with a consistent regimen. It’s for those who feel confident with their current progress and want to maintain their weight loss with ongoing support.

2. Taper Plan: Gradually Decrease Your Dosage

The Reduction Package is designed for patients who are ready to start reducing their Mounjaro dosage while still benefiting from its effects. This package offers a carefully managed tapering schedule, allowing your body to adjust smoothly as you transition to lower doses.

What’s Included:


Who Should Choose This Package?

This package is ideal for patients looking to reduce their reliance on medication while still aiming to maintain or enhance their weight loss. It’s perfect for those who are ready to explore lower doses but want to do so with careful oversight and support.

3. Flexible Plan: Transition to Sustainable Lifestyle Changes

The Lifestyle Maintenance Package is tailored for patients who have reached their weight loss goals and wish to maintain their results without ongoing medication. This package focuses on helping you transition to sustainable lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, while still offering the flexibility to reintroduce medication if needed.

We will charge patients £20 per month for this plan, which they can remain on for up to 12 months after stopping treatment. If medication needs to be reintroduced at any point, patients will continue to receive a 15% discount off the regular price.

What’s Included:


Who Should Choose This Package?

This package is ideal for patients who have successfully reached their weight loss goals and want to maintain their results through lifestyle changes. It’s perfect for those who prefer to manage their weight without medication but want the option to restart treatment if necessary.


Commonly Asked Questions:

Q: What if my needs change during my weight maintenance journey?

A: At Oushk Pharmacy, we understand that your needs may evolve over time. That's why we offer the flexibility to switch between our packages every 3 months. Whether you need to continue with your current dosage, start tapering down, or transition to lifestyle maintenance, we’re here to ensure you always have the support and tools you need.

Q: Are there any discounts or special offers for maintenance plans?

A: Yes! To make our packages even more accessible, we offer them at a 15% discount. The pricing varies depending on the strength of the medication you choose. Additionally, we provide free delivery and the option to pay monthly, making it easier for you to manage your plan and stay on track.

Example of some price plans for Mounjaro

Conti Plan on 15mg 

Normal Price - £220 + £6.99 per delivery

Plan Price with 15% off equaling to £187 p/m 

Saving you £119.97 over the 3 months.


Taper Plan starting on 15mg

Normal Price - £220 for 15mg, £210 for 12.5mg, £180 for 10mg + 6.99 per delivery

Plan Price with 15% off - £187 for 15mg, £178.50 for 12.5, £153 for 10mg

Saving you £112.47 over the 3 month.


Flexi Plan (Patient stopped at 15mg after using this for 8 week and after 30 days would like to start again)

Initial Amount at Steady State: After 8 weeks of regular 15 mg weekly dosing, you would have approximately 40.5mg to 45mg of Mounjaro in your system at steady state.

Half-Life Reduction Over Time:

After 5 days (1 half-life): 50% of the drug would remain - 20.25 to 22.5 mg left.
After 10 days (2 half-lives): 50% of that remaining amount would be left - 10.13 to 11.25 mg left.
After 15 days (3 half-lives): 50% of the previous amount remains - 5.06 to 5.63 mg left.
After 20 days (4 half-lives): 50% of the remaining amount remains - 2.53 to 2.81 mg left.
After 25 days (5 half-lives): 50% of the remaining amount remains - 1.26 to 1.41 mg left.
After 30 days (6 half-lives): 50% of the remaining amount remains - 0.63 to 0.71 mg left.

Theoretically  - patient would need to start on 2.5mg after 30 days as the remaining drug in system is lower than the lowest dose available.  

In Reality - patient could start on 5mg or 7.5mg if prescriber deems appropriate..

This is why it is vital for patients to have history with us so we are aware of their adaptability to the drug and we can assume how they would react to the drug at different strengths.

Q: Can I switch to Oushk Pharmacy for my weight loss medication?

A: Absolutely! If you have a BMI of 25 and above and you are already using Mounjaro or Wegovy but are looking for a pharmacy that offers personalised, flexible plans, you can switch to us at any time. We welcome new patients who are committed to maintaining their weight loss journey with expert support.  We will require evidence of your current dose but may request longer history based on prescribers discretion.

Q: What is the lowest BMI Oushk will consider when offering maintenance plans?

A: Ideally you should commit to one prescriber when you start or reach a healthy BMI, however we do understand that some patients may already have reached a BMI below 25 and would like to find a maintenance plan which will allow them to continue their journey.  Anyone with a BMI of 20-24.9 will be considered on a case to case bases and will need to provide their weight loss history during the consultation process.  The final decision will be made by the prescriber.


Oushk Pharmacy is dedicated to providing you with personalised care and flexible options that suit your unique needs. Whether you need consistent medication support, want to gradually taper down, or are ready to focus on lifestyle changes, our packages are designed to help you succeed. Let us support you as you continue your journey toward a healthier, happier you.